investing in property wisely

How To Get Applesauce Out Of Your Carpet

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If you have small kids, there is a good chance one of their favorite foods is applesauce. Applesauce is a great kid-friendly food, but when it lands where it is not supposed to and hardens, it can be a really big mess to clean up. Follow the steps below to get that applesauce your kids dropped off your carpet. #1 Scoop Up What You Can The first thing that you need to do is scoop up what you can with a spoon. Read More»

Your Carpet Doesn't Have To Be Creepy! Learn How To Lift Carpet Stains Caused By Halloween Activities

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Summer is coming to an end, which means fall will be here before you know it. Unfortunately, fall can be a frightening time for your carpets. Many items that are associated with common fall and Halloween activities can cause stains if they fall onto your carpeting. Knowing how to remove the stains and attempting to lift them quickly can be the difference between a stain setting in and it being removed. Read More»

Three Things To Know About Storing Fire Extinguishers

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If you’re adding fire extinguishers to your home, you’re taking a valuable step toward keeping you and your family safe. However, keeping the extinguishers around isn’t that simple. While the extinguishers are just going to sit, waiting for use, you can’t ignore them completely. Here are three things that you need to know if you’re going to store fire extinguishers in your home. The More, the Better Fires can happen anywhere in the home. Read More»

Four Ways To Make A Studio Apartment Feel Larger

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There are a number of reasons why you may be trying to make a studio apartment feel larger. You may be trying to sell your apartment, and making it feel larger can help it sell. Or you may be tired of feeling like you live in a tight, cramped space. While you can’t physically add any space to the apartment, there are a few ways that you can trick the eye into making the space feel larger. Read More»

Preventing Broken Dreams: 5 Tips To Prevent The Theft Of Your New Motorcycle

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Owning a motorcycle is a dream for many people. Unfortunately, this dream can often become a nightmare if your motorcycle is stolen. Considering an estimated 45,000 motorcycle thefts occurred in 2013 alone, understanding the importance of safe storage and theft prevention is essential. Not only will these tasks reduce your risk of losing your dream ride, but they can also save you financially due to expensive purchase price of a motorcycle. Read More»